Thank you for your interest in iLearn Schools! The application portal is now closed. However, we have extended the opportunity for families to apply. The applications received will be for the next academic year (2025-2026) and will be open until June 30, 2025. Once we have exhausted our current waiting list and have confirmed withdrawals from our currently enrolled students, we will review applications received. Please note: This does not guarantee a spot in our schools. Your application will be placed on an extended waiting list and you will be contacted should your child get accepted. If you have already applied and on a current waiting list, you do not need to submit another application. If your application for the 2025-2026 academic year is not processed, we encourage you to apply for the 2026-2027 academic year. Please fill out this application form completely. Falsifications, misrepresentations, or omissions may disqualify your application. We appreciate your confidence in us and assurance that we will continue to keep providing high-quality education to our students!
¡Gracias por su interés en las escuelas iLearn! El portal de aplicaciones ahora está cerrado. Las solicitudes recibidas serán para el próximo curso académico (2025-2026) y estarán abiertas hasta el 30 de junio de 2025. Una vez que hayamos agotado nuestra lista de espera actual y hayamos confirmado los retiros de nuestros estudiantes actualmente inscritos, revisaremos las solicitudes recibidas. Por favor tenga en cuenta: Esto no garantiza un lugar en nuestras escuelas. Su solicitud se colocará en una lista de reserva y se le contactará si su hijo es aceptado. Si ya ha solicitado y está en una lista de espera actual, no necesita presentar otra solicitud. Si su solicitud para el año académico 2025-2026 no se procesa, le recomendamos que presente su solicitud para el año académico 2026-2027. ¡Agradecemos su confianza en nosotros y la seguridad de que continuaremos brindando educación de alta calidad a nuestros estudiantes! Falsedades, inexactitudes u omisiones puede descalificar su aplicación. Gracias. Falsedades, inexactitudes u omisiones puede descalificar su aplicación. Gracias.
Student Information

School Information
(You can type 'First Year' if you are applying for Pre-K/Kindergarten and currently not enrolled in any Pre-K program)
(You can type 'First Year' if you are applying for Pre-K/Kindergarten and currently not enrolled in any Pre-K program)
Primary Parent Information
Secondary Parent Information
A weighted lottery will be conducted for English language learners. ELL means a student whose native language is other than English. The term refers to students with varying degrees of English language proficiency in any one of the domains of speaking, reading, writing, or listening and is synonymous with limited English speaking ability as used in N.J.S.A. 18A:35-15 to 26. Students who meet the criteria in any of the definitions in (1), (2), or (3) will be given TWO tickets for the lottery.

I/We hereby certify that, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, the answers to the foregoing questions and statements made by me/us in this application are complete and accurate. I/We understand that any false information or misrepresentations of facts may result in rejection of this application or future dismissal of the applicant. Yo / Nosotros certificamos que la información declarada en esta aplicación es verdadera, correcta y completa, y las preguntas y declaraciones anteriores hechas por mi / nosotros en esta aplicación están completas y exactas. Yo / Nosotros entendemos que cualquier información falsa o mala representación de los hechos pueden resultar en el rechazo de esta aplicación o el futuro despido del solicitante.